terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2015

Aula 5 - Cardinal Numbers (101-1000); Ordinal Numbers (1st-20th)

1. Cardinal Numbers (101-1000)

100 - One Hundred
200 - Two Hundred
300 - Three Hundred
400 - Four Hundred
500 - Five Hundred
600 - Six Hundred
700 - Seven Hundred
800 - Eight Hundred
900 - Nine Hundred
1000 - One Thousand

If we have to say a number, for example 403, we:

*say FOUR HUNDRED THREE, because 400 (four hundred) + 3 (three)

201 - two hundred one (because 200 [two hundred] + 1 [one])
319 - three hundred nineteen (because 300 [three hundred] + 19 [nineteen])
928 - nine hundred twenty eight (because 900 [nine hundred] + 28 [twenty eight])

2. Ordinal Numbers (1st - 20th)

This is used to give order, or position of something.

First - 1st (the 2 lasts letters come to the number, always in all number)
Second - 2nd
Third - 3rd
Fourth - 4th
Fifth - 5th
Sixth - 6th
Seventh - 7th
Eighth - 8th
Ninth - 9th
Tenth - 10th
Eleventh - 11th
Twelfth - 12th
Thirtheenth - 13th
Fourteenth - 14th
Fifteenth - 15th
Sixteenth - 16th
Seventeenth - 17th
Eighteenth - 18th
Nineteenth - 19th
Twentieth - 20th

Observe that the basis of the name (ex: fourteenth) is the same as the cardinal numbers (fourteen), adding sometimes ''th''. But, be careful: some numbers have to be modified.
Ex: Twentieth - the original is TWENTY.
       twenty - twentieth
Ex: Twelfth - the original is TWELVE
       twelve - twelfth

The sound of ''th'' is almost the same as /ff/. Ex: ninth: //nainff//

segunda-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2015

Aula 4 - Cardinal Numbers (01-100); Alphabet

1. Cardinal Numbers - 01 to 100

1 One
2 Two
3 Three
4 Four
5 Five
6 Six
7 Seven
8 Eight
9 Nine
10 Ten
11 Eleven
12 Twelve
13 Thirteen
14 Fourteen
15 Fifteen
16 Sixteen
17 Seventeen
18 Eighteen
19 Nineteen
20 Twenty
30 Thirty
40 Forty
50 Fifty
60 Sixty
70 Seventy
80 Eighty
90 Ninety
100 A Hundred or One Hundred

Between 21 - 99, all numbers is combinated, like this:

Ex: 24 - twenty four
Ex: 44 - forty four
Ex: 51 - fifty one
Ex: 77 - seventy seven
Ex: 99 - ninety nine
Ex: 29 - twenty nine
Ex: 41 - forty one

2. The Alphabet

The alphabet is pronunciated like this sounds, nearly.

A /ei/
B /bi/
C /ci/
D /di/
E /i/
F /eff/
G /di/
H /aid/
I /ai/
J /jei/
K /kel/
L /el/
M /emm/
N /enn/
O /oul/
P /pi/
Q /qiu/
R /ar/
S /ess/
T /ti/
U /iu/
V /vi/
W /doubliu/
X /ecs/
Y /uaid/
Z /zi/

quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2015

Aula 3 - Questions, Affirmative and Negative answers; does

1. Questions and Answers 

We can make questions in English, and have two options of answer: negative or positive. We have two types of verb: action or state.
Do is a verb, witch meaning is ''fazer''. But it also has another meaning. It is auxiliary verb, indicates the verbal time, form of verb (action) and if the sentense has to be answered with present. It always comes before the sentense. After, the pronoum appears and the action verb too.

Question: Do you study? (Observe that ''do'' is a auxiliary verb, and always come first/ after we have                                            ''you'')
Answer: Yes, I study.
               No, I do not study. (In this case, ''do'' comes after the pronoum, and appears the ''not''                        too.) 

If the verb is state (you are), so we have to use verb to be, following the same structure.

Question: Are they happy? (Change the position, transforming in this: verb to be+ pronoum)
Answer: Yes, they are happy. (Use the common position: pronoum+ verb to be)
               No, they are not happy. (Use ''not'' after the verb to be)

2. Does

''Does'' is the same meaning as ''do''. But, it is used ONLY in He, She and It.

Question: Does she drive a car? (''Does'' always come first and after the pronoum)
Answer: Yes, she drives a car. (After the verb, we always put ''s'' or ''es'' (depend on the verb))
              No, she does not drive a car. (In this case, we do not put ''s'' or ''es'' after the verb, because
               of the auxiliary ''does not'', that ever indicates third of singular)

Verbs rules

  • Sempre acrescente -s ao verbo: reads, writes, opens, sleeps, sings, sits, walks, runs, sees, etc.;
  • Se o verbo terminar com a letra -o, -s, -ch, -sh, -x, ou -z acrescente -es: goes, does, misses, watches, washes, fixes, buzzes, etc.
  • Se o verbo terminar em uma sequência de consoante e -y, tire o -y e acrescente -ies: cry » cries, try » tries, study » studies, reply » replies, etc. (Obs.: se o verbo terminar em uma sequência de vogal e -y, basta acrescentar -s: pray » prays, say » says, play » plays);
  • O verbo have é uma exceção a tudo isso, pois ele terá a forma has.

terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2015


1. Object pronoums

We have the personal pronoums (I, You, He, She, It, You, We, They). They are used only on the beggining of the sentense.

Example: You are beautiful. (Você é bonita) 
(Observe that ''YOU'' is on the beggining of the sentense / first word)

But, some cases, we have to use pronoums on the middle or on the final part of the sentense. In this case, we can not use personal pronoums!!! But what can we use? In this case, we have Object Pronoums. Let's see.

I - me
You - you
He - his
She - her
It - it
You - you
We - us
They - them

We use object pronoums to indicate something or someone.

Example: I like to visit Maria. (Eu gosto de visitar Maria.)
                I like to visit she. (The pronoums ''she'' won't be stayed at the over of the sentense, nor                                                       other personal pronoums, only object pronoums.)
                I like to visit her. (Eu gosto de visitá-la.)

2. Infinitive verbs

Infinitive verbs are ''neutral verbs'', which verbs can be conjugated. They are together with ''to''.

To be - ser / estar
To drink - beber
To like - gostar
To eat - comer
To repeat - repetir
To use - usar
To sleep - dormir
To walk - andar
To want - querer
To wish - desejar
etc.............. Of course, we have a lot of verbs. We put only 10 just to give sample example. While the class are passing, we will learn new verbs and these structure on the sentense.

Example: I drink. (Eu bebo.)
                They sleep. (Eles dormem.)


1. Pronoums

Pronoums is used to substitute a name and indicate someone or something. Let's see about the pronoums:

I - eu 
You - você
He - ele
She - ela
It - ele / ela (para animais, objetos, lugares)
You - vocês
We - nós
They - eles / elas (incluindo também animais, objetos, lugares)

2. Verb to be

Verb is an action or reaction of something. The first verb we learn is ''to be''. Verb to be is, in Portuguese, ''ser'' ou ''estar''. Let's see the verb on the pronoums.

I am - eu sou / eu estou
You are - você é / você está
He is - ele é / ele está
She is - ela é / ela está
It is - ele(a) é / ele(a) está (para animais, objetos, lugares)
You are - vocês são / vocês estão
We are - nós somos / nós estamos
They are - eles(as) são / eles(as) estão

Example: I am ugly (Eu sou feio)
                We are happy (Nós estamos felizes)

3. Contraction

The verb to be can be contracted, or be ''small''. Is the same as ''está'' para ''tá''. In this example, the word ''tá'' is contraction of ''está''. The meaning is the same, not changing anything.

I am - I'm
You are - You're
He is - He's
She is - She's
It is - It's
You are - You're 
We are - We're
They are - They're

Example: We are happy. (Nós estamos felizes)
                We're happy. (Nós estamos felizes)

Observation: ''You'' can be singular (''você'') e também plural (''vocês''), using the same structure. How can we know if it is singular or plural? Only the context of the sentense.