terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2015


1. Object pronoums

We have the personal pronoums (I, You, He, She, It, You, We, They). They are used only on the beggining of the sentense.

Example: You are beautiful. (Você é bonita) 
(Observe that ''YOU'' is on the beggining of the sentense / first word)

But, some cases, we have to use pronoums on the middle or on the final part of the sentense. In this case, we can not use personal pronoums!!! But what can we use? In this case, we have Object Pronoums. Let's see.

I - me
You - you
He - his
She - her
It - it
You - you
We - us
They - them

We use object pronoums to indicate something or someone.

Example: I like to visit Maria. (Eu gosto de visitar Maria.)
                I like to visit she. (The pronoums ''she'' won't be stayed at the over of the sentense, nor                                                       other personal pronoums, only object pronoums.)
                I like to visit her. (Eu gosto de visitá-la.)

2. Infinitive verbs

Infinitive verbs are ''neutral verbs'', which verbs can be conjugated. They are together with ''to''.

To be - ser / estar
To drink - beber
To like - gostar
To eat - comer
To repeat - repetir
To use - usar
To sleep - dormir
To walk - andar
To want - querer
To wish - desejar
etc.............. Of course, we have a lot of verbs. We put only 10 just to give sample example. While the class are passing, we will learn new verbs and these structure on the sentense.

Example: I drink. (Eu bebo.)
                They sleep. (Eles dormem.)

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