quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2015

Aula 3 - Questions, Affirmative and Negative answers; does

1. Questions and Answers 

We can make questions in English, and have two options of answer: negative or positive. We have two types of verb: action or state.
Do is a verb, witch meaning is ''fazer''. But it also has another meaning. It is auxiliary verb, indicates the verbal time, form of verb (action) and if the sentense has to be answered with present. It always comes before the sentense. After, the pronoum appears and the action verb too.

Question: Do you study? (Observe that ''do'' is a auxiliary verb, and always come first/ after we have                                            ''you'')
Answer: Yes, I study.
               No, I do not study. (In this case, ''do'' comes after the pronoum, and appears the ''not''                        too.) 

If the verb is state (you are), so we have to use verb to be, following the same structure.

Question: Are they happy? (Change the position, transforming in this: verb to be+ pronoum)
Answer: Yes, they are happy. (Use the common position: pronoum+ verb to be)
               No, they are not happy. (Use ''not'' after the verb to be)

2. Does

''Does'' is the same meaning as ''do''. But, it is used ONLY in He, She and It.

Question: Does she drive a car? (''Does'' always come first and after the pronoum)
Answer: Yes, she drives a car. (After the verb, we always put ''s'' or ''es'' (depend on the verb))
              No, she does not drive a car. (In this case, we do not put ''s'' or ''es'' after the verb, because
               of the auxiliary ''does not'', that ever indicates third of singular)

Verbs rules

  • Sempre acrescente -s ao verbo: reads, writes, opens, sleeps, sings, sits, walks, runs, sees, etc.;
  • Se o verbo terminar com a letra -o, -s, -ch, -sh, -x, ou -z acrescente -es: goes, does, misses, watches, washes, fixes, buzzes, etc.
  • Se o verbo terminar em uma sequência de consoante e -y, tire o -y e acrescente -ies: cry » cries, try » tries, study » studies, reply » replies, etc. (Obs.: se o verbo terminar em uma sequência de vogal e -y, basta acrescentar -s: pray » prays, say » says, play » plays);
  • O verbo have é uma exceção a tudo isso, pois ele terá a forma has.

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