1. Plural of nouns
Nouns: all things that exist or not.
Ex: spirit - espírito
alarm - alarm
gun - chiclete
Plural: spirit - spirits
alarm - alarms
gun - guns
We have specific nouns that have a different form of plural. Let's see!
* When the nouns have oo, they become ee.
Ex: foot (pé) --- feet (pés)
* When the nouns have -f or -fe, they become -ves
Ex: knife (faca) --- knives (facas)
* Some nouns will be different in their plural.
Ex: mouse (rato) --- mice (ratos)
child (criança) --- children (crianças)
woman (mulher) --- women (mulheres)
man (homem) --- men (homens)
ox (boi) --- oxen (bois)
* Some nouns will be the same, in plural or in singular.
Ex: fish (peixe/peixes)
sheep (ovelha/ovelhas)
fruit (fruta/frutas)
2. Adjectives
Adjective is qualities of a noun.
Ex: awesome (maravilhoso)
* The adjectives is coming with verb to be.
Ex: I was thin. (Eu era magro)
I am thin. (Eu sou magro)
* The adjectives won't never be plural.
Wrong: They are thins. ---- no correct
Correct: They are thin. ---- correct
3. Definite articles
We can definite the nouns. We all use ''the'' for definite ones.
Ex: The car (o carro)
The spirits (os espíritos)
We can use them in plural or in singular.
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